Ares Red

by Gia Spann

I know i have red hair, it’s so obviously there
People poke and stare and sometimes get scared
The rumors they spread is almost as cruel as the things they do
“Her souls not there”
“Does it smell like copper to you?”
Throwing pennies and washers as they chase me down the lane
“God oh god why did he choose me?”
Whispers in my hand as they dampen with my tears
But I stand up strong and wipe off my tears
‘Why should I push away a gift thats so great ’
My legs kick up to run away from my own self pity
And head for my closet , full of possibilities
I walk the halls with my head held high
Ripped jeans , black shirt , leather jacket , and black eye
Well might as well embrace my inner Ares side

*2014 Colorism Poetry Contest Division 2 Honorable Mention


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