What’s Your Role in Healing from Colorism? Toward Collective Healing Part 2

What’s your role in collective healing from colorism? What are you willing to sacrifice? How do you surround yourself with a community that refuels you for the long game?

Everyone has a role

Practically speaking, consider your job, interests, skills, location, resources, connections, and style.

And I’m encouraging you to stretch yourself. We won’t redress this issue within our comfort zones.

You don’t have to go full time like me, lol. But survey your life periodically and see where there’s potential for change.

Curate Your Community

Collective healing is not just about what you can give to the group. It’s also important to surround yourself with others who also give in reciprocal fashion. Added bonus when they not only give back but also understand and empathize.

Watch or listen to the full discussion: