3 Lessons in Sisterhood

This was a fun special edition of Wednesday Workshop because it was a tribute to my sister on her birthday!!! Inspired by this special occasion, I shared the following three lessons I learned from our relationship about sisterhood. And these apply to biological and non-biological sistahs.

If you like this, be sure to check out our interview.

One: Just because people expect us to compete, doesn’t mean we have to.

After my sister’s graduation, a boy noticed her many awards, ribbons, certificates, and trophies displayed on the mantel. He concluded that I must be jealous. How problematic is that?!

I actually felt proud. It never occurred to me to be jealous because I knew we were on the same team.

Writing Prompt: What are some of your proudest moments of sisterhood? What are you proud of your sister(s) for?

Affirmation: I can celebrate my sister without being afraid that I will lose.

It’s a blessing to have a confidant for difficult stuff.

I’ve learned that a great sister will both talk you off a ledge and talk you into your greatness.

Sometimes we have to find that sister in the form of a teacher, mentor, or counselor. But they do exist!

Writing Prompt: Can you recall a time when you were talked off a ledge or talked into your greatness by a sister/friend?

Affirmation: I don’t have to do this alone. I can fin support when I need it.

Dark skinned girls and light skinned girls can understand each other and really love each other.

Many times my sister acknowledge and spoke up about colorism and light-skinned privilege.

And because she and I were close, I never found it difficult to see light skinned women as my sisters.

Writing Prompt: Write what you want others to know about you. Write about what you’d like to know about others.

Affirmation: I am open to understanding, and I am open to being understood.

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