SOLUTIONS to Corporate Colorism


We have made it to the end of the Corporate Colorism Series!

Thank you so much for engaging in this important conversation with me!

If you haven’t read all the articles or watched all the live streams, I highly recommend going back to get caught up on anything you’ve missed.

This week is focused on how to respond to colorism once we have the awareness and the understanding of what it is and how it manifests!

Throughout this series, I have sprinkled advice, tips, and action steps you can take toward solving this problem. But now I want to introduce you to a framework that will help you get strategic about your efforts to address colorism.

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The I.R.I.S. framework represents the 4 layers of society impacted by colorism, which are also the 4 layers in which we create change:

  • Individual– personal bias and mental health
  • Relational– interactions between individuals or small groups
  • Institutional– policies, procedures, norms, or culture within a larger entity
  • Systemic– far-reaching patterns across the larger society

There are 4 levers that help us set the wheel of change into motion: Awareness, Assessment, Attitudes, and Action.

The human iris (the colored circles of our eyes) is like the human fingerprint–no two humans have the same eye color. Inspired by this fact, the I.R.I.S. framework is uniquely applied to each person, entity, or culture.

If you’d like direct support in how to apply this framework, visit! Businesses, companies, schools, agencies, and other entities can contact me for public speaking, training, and consulting services. And for individuals, I’m offering coaching, support groups, live Zoom workshops, in-person events, and more! You can contact me for all these things via email, Direct Messages on LinkedIn or Instagram, and via my website

If you’re interested in my speaking, training, or consulting services, please contact me here.

Homework: 1- Make sure you’re all caught up with each of the previous articles/videos in this series. 2- Take the time you need to review, process, clarify, etc. and 3- Contact me or join one of my upcoming events and workshops!

Affirmation: I am creating meaningful change!