Learning to Love Natural Black Hair Part 1

This week’s topic was inspired by how popular my posts about natural Black hair have been on Instagram. The goal is hair liberation, for all Black people, but especially for Black women with type 4 hair or 4c hair. The world in general has been conditioned to see most natural Black hair textures as unattractive, unkempt, unprofessional, and difficult. I want to provide counter narratives to this and help Black women feel less shame and less fear around their hair.

This conversation is not a judgement about how anyone chooses to wear their hair. It’s a conversation about why Black women, more than any other group of people on the planet, feel the need and feel pressured to radically alter or disguise their hair texture. Everyone has to understand for themselves the true impetus for our hair choices. That honesty requires courage.

Watch or Listen to the Full Episode: