The Black Knowledge Society w/ Esther Ademosu

Esther Ademosu is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Black Knowledge Society, a resource hub designed to signpost the Black community to credible resources, promoting holistic healing and a conscious group identity, towards sustainable every day expressions of activism. In our conversation this week we learn a bit about Esther’s choice to step up and use your creative skills to do activist work and we get her perspective on where the real revolution begins. Watch or listen to the full conversation below.

“Whatever you can do to ensure your peace, your wellbeing, and safeguard your freedoms as a human being, just pursue it. Pursue it so far as it doesn’t impact or cause disruption or damage to anyone else, I think pursue it.”

-Esther Ademosu

A wife, mother and conscious creative, She is determined to use her ability, experiences and voice to advance the vision of Black nationalism. Esther has spent almost a decade working in the international development sector and has grown through the lessons afforded by engaging with a wide spectrum of actors within the space. An eternal student of life, Esther has her academic roots firmly in the soil of the social sciences (cultural studies). Writing has always been an innate and insatiable life force for Esther, acting as the common thread, connecting each destination in her career so far and the source of healing from mental, emotional and spiritual wounds. She is of Nigerian heritage and enjoys, travelling, music, theatre, being alone and reading. One of her quotes to live by comes from the Honourable Marcus Mosiah Garvey: ‘Remember intelligence rules the world and ignorance bears the burden. Therefore remove yourself as far as possible from ignorance and seek as far as possible to be intelligent.’

Watch or Listen to Esther Ademosu: